This old farmhouse had derelict out-buildings to the east, a ditch caused the original buildings to taper inconveniently and the previous permission (lapsed) for a stone building, was too large/expensive and had ignored other possibilities.

This building is timber-framed; having established the foundations (after re-routing the water-course) the structure was erected and water-tight in 2/3 days – a great advantage as much of the work was self-built. The extension is designed to be different to the house: it is lower and largely oak-clad, weathering to a colour close to the local blue-lias stone.


We have collaborated with Nick Blackledge for over 6 years since moving from the South East to the village of Charlton Adam, Somerset in 2007.
Most recently, Nick has guided us through an extensive renovation and build project on our 200-year-old Blue Lias stone farmhouse.

Nick drew up plans for our 3-bedroomed extension in 2010, guided us through the planning application process, and even participated in several elements of the subsequent approved build. These works have resulted in a building that both suits our family needs, but also sits well within the existing landscape. There is honesty to the building that reflects the attention to detail that Nick can bring to any design project.

Courteous, patient, innovative and cost-conscious, we would highly recommend his services to anyone who wishes to progress a design or build scheme. Nick is sensitive to both the needs of the client & the building & its surroundings, and can adapt his proposals accordingly. He offers a professional approach with design flair, integrity and reliability of delivery.

He is the ideal choice of designer for any experienced self-builder, or for those on a budget ceiling who have access to a reliable and flexible qualified builder. In our view, Nick fulfils a specific client need in the current period of financial austerity.

John & Kate Goodyear

Charlton Adam, Somerset